ref: 841964817

after the rain washed my eyes, time passed. hundreds of days to forget, not only your outlines, but your voice, your eyes and your magic. the heat of the summer boiled my anxiety and your complete ignorance altogether, and i had it for dinner some forgotten wild night.

even more time passed, and standing in my release, open enough to let the forgotten come to my roof and wonder arround, a couple of gems catch my attention. there, in front of me, an energy wave, radiated from the contact of two hands and a red flame of hair. you move your hands with the grace i missed to forget. it was you, again. i was standing in the crossroads of my void, and you unintentionally filled it with butterflies in my stomach. one by one the missing pieces appeared: your gestures, your outlines, your movements, your stance, your loveliness. delighted in my amazement i also get to know the connection you have with my friend. i cannot believe. i cannot ask for more. finding you was closer than i ever thought. careless about the future and your choices, i dream.
[[amethystium - ethereal.mp3]]

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Solia ver cosas blancas en un arbol lejano y me gustaba imaginar que eran pajaros. Me acerque lo suficiente como para darme cuenta que en realidad eran solo bolsas de nylon que crecian del arbol. Hace poco vi un arbol similar al de mi cuento y me acorde de los pajaros.... Tambien deberia de acordarme de finalmente resultaron ser bolsas.

07.Mar.03 13:44:44 | sebfer